Forex slang terms

Forex slang terms

Author: chaz On: 04.06.2017

Trades, professions and interest groups have a sub-language, slang or jargon evolves over time.

forex slang terms

Terminology, definitions, abbreviations, acronyms, technical words and expressions are usually made up or taken from similarly related disciplines. NASDAQ ā€” The N ational A ssociation of S ecurities D ealers A utomated Q uotation.

NASDAQ is an acronym for the largest electronic screen-based equity securities market in the United States. An Index of over 5, company listings, it trades on average more shares per day than any other US stock market. The UK stock market index equivalent is the FTSE. In the latter part of , the NASDAQ began trading options. Watch a video about NASDAQ trading in today's markets ā€” from INO TV. OCO One Cancels the Other Order A combination of a linked limit order and a stop loss orders at predetermined market levels, where if one is executed the other order is automatically cancelled.

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It is used to encapsulate foreign exchange risk within known parameters i. It is lodged with a Bank or Broker and offers 24 hour protection and will float until either cancelled or hit.

Forex Trading Terms | Investopedia

It is free of charge to use and provides an excellent vehicle for companies to transact their currencies at the best point in a range, whilst protecting themselves from negative movements. Offer Price is the rate quoted by the broker for selling the first of a particular pair of currencies.

Open Order An order that will be executed when a market moves to its designated price. Normally associated with Good Till Cancelled Orders. Open Position - A deal not yet reversed or settled with a physical payment. Options Trading An option is defined as the right, but not an obligation, to buy or sell an asset such as stock or currency at a fixed price before a predetermined date.

However, CFDs Contracts for Difference are much more flexible and easier to learn than Options or Binary Options. Risk management is the key. Never trade without knowing how many lots you need to buy, what your risk reward is, or without knowing the exact amount of your trade. A tool that lets you trade correctly without emotion is the Forex Position Allotment Calculator. It takes all the guesswork and much of the risk out of every trade you enter.

Over The Counter OTC is used to describe transactions not conducted over an exchange. Overnight A trade that remains open until the next business day. Overnight Trading is the purchase or sale of currencies between the hours of Learn more about penny stock trading.

Pip or PIP The dictionary definition of ' pip ' is the smallest countable part of something. For valuation purposes it applies only to the base currency. All currency pairs are quoted and valued against each other using 5 digits , but the position of the decimal point can vary. For example, the Japanese yen may be Where did the term ' pip ' or ' PIP ' originate?

Most accept it as an abbreviation or acronym for Price In Points , Percentage In Points or Price Interest Point. Stock and currency trading were around long before acronyms became popular and pips are not exclusive to currency markets either. Pip is a simple English word for the seed or smallest part of fruit apple, orange pips.

Apart from the audible BBC pips , US soul singer Gladys Knight had her Pips too! However, while the origin of the forex pip is hardly important, the number of Pips In Profit you make is! The change in forex rates seen in the short term, such as a day, is often very small. It might be only 0. However, profit is still achievable; a trader who buys standard 'lot' of , units of a base currency e. While each investment option has its downsides, the growth potential of gold-backed IRA is not under the threat of an inflationary economy.

Despite the dynamics and the pressure in the market, the price of gold remains stead. Gold IRA's provide an alternative investment option for people who want to gain protection while benefiting from the capital appreciation. So the forex PIP: Pip Spread The pip difference between the Bid and Ask price.

Typically 3 or more pips, varying also by currency pairs. Some brokers offer fixed spreads; others will change the spread variable spread depending on market activity. Some brokers offer even smaller lots and a pip will of course be worth less. Point A ' point ' represents pips.

See Forward Points - 'points on', 'points off'. Premium - In the currency markets, describes the amount by which the forward or futures price exceed the spot price. Prime Rate - The interest rate at which banks lend money to their prime corporate customers. Profit Feeder is a private subscription service for stock swing traders ā€” a daily email detailing stocks likely to move significantly within the next few days.

Main market participants including investment funds and banks, look for resistance and support levels to place orders and thus they become, to a large degree, self-fulfilling prophecies. Revaluation is the opposite of Devaluation - an increase in the exchange rate for a currency as a result of central bank intervention. Risk Anything that lacks absolute certainty like death and taxes!

This can range between low, medium, high or even critical. In forex, it's possible to limit risk of loss in various ways, including placing predefined stops on trades. This should be part of a safer trading strategy.

You cannot avoid risk , but you can reduce it or lessen its effects. See Spread , Scalping. Scalping The word used to mean cutting the hair and skin scalp off an adversary's head as a trophy.

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Native Americans used to practice it. Nowadays scalping refers to making quick profits from sudden small swings in the market. This is how brokers make their money, but they call it spread. Some will close trader's account for scalping habitually. Settlement The process by which a trade is entered into the books and records the details of a transaction. Settlement of currency trades usually does not involve the actual physical exchange of one currency for another.

forex slang terms

Short Position - An investment position that benefits from a decline in market price. Slippage The difference in pips between the order price approved by the client and the price at which the order is actually executed. Slippage can occur when a trade is not immediately available at the requested price, or when prices are changing rapidly. Unless a range is stipulated, the broker needs to confirm a different price for approval by the client trader who can accept or refuse the new entry price.

Spot Price, Spot Rate By definition a spot forex transaction is a currency trade with a settlement date liquidation within a maximum of 2 working days following the placement. The spot rate is the current rate ā€” the one used for an immediate order to buy or sell currency. Spread The price difference , quoted as a number of pips, between bid and offer rates buy and sell for currency pairs. In forex trading, spread is the main source of broker income.

Instead of charging commission, banks and brokers earn from the spread of every trade entered and exited, winning or losing. STArS Daily Signal Report is a daily stock trading subscription service sometimes available on a 30 day trial basis which shows open stock positions, all of them potentially profitable, together with exit signals.

Sterling is slang for the British Pound GBP. Stop Loss Order An order to buy or sell a currency pair or stock when a predetermined price is reached. It is lodged with a Bank or Broker and offers hour protection and will float until either cancelled or hit.

It is free of charge to use and provides an excellent vehicle for traders to protect themselves from negative movements while leaving the door open to benefit if the market continues to move in its favour. Main market participants look for support and resistance levels to place their orders and thus they become, to a larger degree, self-fulfilling prophecies. Swap - In currency trading, the simultaneous sale and purchase of the same amount of a given currency at a forward exchange rate.

Swing Trading A trade made usually in stocks but also in forex and held for between several days and up to a few weeks. A swing trade might be completed in less than a week, or if the stock consolidates it might take several weeks.

While a swing trader will watch the market very closely, this trading style does not require constant monitoring. While the stock market is much smaller than the forex, it is more 'physical'; predictions of price movement can be more reliable, depending on the source of information.

Technical Analysis This is the study of market action, primarily through the use of charts , for the purposes of forecasting future prices and historical trends, support and resistance levels. It can be used to further identify trends and indicate trend reversals. Technical analysis is widely used by the main market players traders, mainly banks, whose large trades can influence but not control price levels.

Technical analysis has become arguably the most popular form of analysis in tracking and forecasting currency movements. Tick Shortest interval used in stock trading and forex charting. Other charts show change over longer periods: Top A market 'top' is an area where the price in an upward trend encountered heavy resistance, was unable to progress any higher, and either reversed went into a bear trend or traded sideways.

Unsuccessful Trades Losing trades are common among traders who haven't invested in knowledge first! Volatility The ability to change rapidly. It is not easy to know where to enter a trade if a currency pair is too volatile. Volcone Analyzer Pro Popular software program from the Options University which tells you if an Option is 'cheap' or 'expensive', based on its actual historical volatility.

See a free video of how the analyzer works. It means 'face-to-face'; compared with, opposing, opposite to, in relation to. Used by forex commentators to compare currency pair rates e. Virtually the same as Vs.

Vs is used to compare two items such as a pair of currencies: Whipsaw slang for a condition of a highly volatile market where a sharp price movement is quickly followed by a sharp reversal. XAG silver and XAU gold are ISO codes. These are quoted as one ounce Oz. The origin is from the Latin words and chemical symbols for these precious metals ; silver is argentum Ag , gold aurum Au ; also platinum XPT and palladium XPD.

See also Currency Codes. Open a vaulted bullion account and trade in precious metals. XTrade is the international broker of choice for trading CFDs, forex, commodities, shares and indices. Zero Losses Absolutely no trader wins all the time! Reduce your risk of loss by education, taking advice from independent, reliable sources and keeping your confidence high and your leverage low! Zero Sum Game Forex , futures and options trading are known as " zero-sum games ".

Basically, for every winner or winning trade, there are losers with matching losing trades; the amount of money involved or wealth excluding spread or broker costs remains the same; it just changes hands. Stock trading is not a zero sum game ; stock values change as prices go up or down, regardless of who actually owns it.

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