Binary tree remove c++

Binary tree remove c++

Author: Gluk On: 15.07.2017

A binary search tree or BST is a binary tree in symmetric order. A binary search tree is also known as sorted or ordered binary tree.

All binary search tree operations are O H , where H is the depth of the tree. Therefore the complexity of a binary search tree operation in the best case is O logN ; and in the worst case, its complexity is O N. The worst case happens when the binary search tree is unbalanced.

c# - Delete a node from a binary tree - Code Review Stack Exchange

Many algorithms have been invented to keep a binary search tree balanced such as height-balanced tree or AVL trees of A delson- V elskii and L andis, B-trees, and Splay trees. We can use a structure to model the binary search tree node a follows:. To create a new node, we use the malloc function to allocate memory dynamically as follows:. To compare the data of two nodes, we can compare two integers.

However to make it more extensible, we can pass a callback to any function that has comparison between two keys of nodes.

binary tree remove c++

The callback for comparing two nodes is defined as follows:. If the binary search tree is empty, we just create a new node, otherwise we start from the root node:. We do this step recursively until we find the correct position in the tree to insert the new node. Delete a node from the binary search tree Deleting an existing node in the binary search tree is little more complicated.

There are three cases that we should consider:.

Delete a leaf node i. We just need to remove it.

binary tree remove c++

The following example illustrates how to remove the leaf node e. Remove a node that has 1 child node, we replace it with its child node and remove it e. To remove a node that has two child nodes or two children, we find its in-order successor node, which is the next node in in-order traversal of the tree, and replace it with the in-order success node.

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For example, to remove node 3 , we find its in-order successor node, which is 4 , and replace the node 3 by 4 as illustrated in the following picture.

The following is the delete node function that uses recursive function in C:. Search for a specific key in the binary search tree To search for a specific key in the binary search tree, we start from the root node.

If the tree is empty, the key does not exist.

binary tree remove c++

We repeat this step recursively until the key is found or subtree is NULL. This is called in-order traversal of a binary tree. Notice that we pass a callback to the traverse function so that we can manipulate the node dynamically. The callback is defined as follows:. Remove all nodes We must deallocate memory allocated for all the nodes in the binary search tree. We can create a function named dispose to do this:.

C binary search tree program Before creating a program to test our binary search tree, we need to create some functions for:.

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