Naming binary compounds stock system

Naming binary compounds stock system

Author: poetry_cin On: 05.07.2017

History- The type of naming you will learn about is called the Stock system or Stock's system.

naming binary compounds stock system

It was designed by Alfred Stock , a German chemist and first published in In his own words, he considered the system to be "simple, clear, immediately intelligible, capable of the most general application.

In , a German commission recommended Stock's system be adopted with some changes. For example, FeCl 2 ,which would have been named iron 2 -chloride according to Stock's original idea, became iron II chloride in the revised proposal.

In , Stock approved of the Roman numerals, but felt it better to keep the hyphen and drop the parenthesis. This suggestion has not been followed, but the Stock system remains in use world-wide. How do we name compounds when the cation of variable charge is involved?

Stock System of Naming Using Roman Numerals

Some elements have more then one oxidation number and when naming a compound these must be identified. To determine what the oxidation number is, you must use the anion negative ion to determine what the positive oxidation number is.

naming binary compounds stock system

Below you can see some of the elements with more than 1 oxidation number. Since lead has more than one oxidation state we must figure out which lead we have. So our roman numeral will be IV.

naming binary compounds stock system

Highlight to reveal names. Naming Ionic Compounds using Roman Numerals The Stock System of Naming.

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