Binary cutting stock problem

Binary cutting stock problem

Author: Aterax On: 20.06.2017

I have an optimization problem for which I am not looking necessarily for an exact solution, but an approach.

Solving binary cutting stock problems by column generation and branch-and-bound

The stock comes in 4-foot sheets. Only 4-foot lengths may be cut from the sheet before feeding into the machine.

Solving binary cutting stock problems by column generation and branch-and-bound | SpringerLink

The number of washers to make might vary. So, for example, lets say there is an order for 15 washers of 1-inch diameter.

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The manufacturer cuts a 1-inch strip from the sheet and then uses 15 inches of it to make the washers. That leaves an extra length of 33 inches, a cutoff, that is put in a cubby.

Cutting Stock Problem ver. 1.0

The drawback to cutting a new strip is that now you have TWO cutoffs and space to store the cutoffs is limited. Thus, there is a balance. On binary cutting stock problem hand you want to use the cutoffs as much as possible, but on the other, you want to use them efficiently.

binary cutting stock problem

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Solving binary cutting stock problems by column generation and branch-and-bound - Semantic Scholar

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Binary stock cutting optimization problem. The problem involves a manufacturer making a part, like a washer, of different sizes.

binary cutting stock problem

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